Friday 4 December 2020

Understand when to repair and when to replace windows

The windows on your property are far more than just a way of seeing the world outside. The form part of the aesthetics of the building and can add character. They also help maintain the indoor temperature and keep intruders out. So, it’s important you keep them in a good state of repair and deal with any window problems that arise as early as possible. Let’s take a look at some of the most common window problems and how you can address them.

Condensation in a double-pane window

If you can see moisture or fog between the panes, the chances are you have a damaged seal. This means condensation and mist will persist until you carry out a window repair. Many modern windows have an inert gas such as argon or krypton added to the air layer between the two panes. This helps reduce the transfer of outdoor heat or cold through the window. Once the seal is broken, the inert gas escapes, the outside temperature comes in, and your energy bills rise. A simple fix which you can carry out yourself is to reseal your window. This will prevent further moisture from getting in but won’t remove what is already there or replace any inert gas. Some window repair companies offer a defogging service. They drill a small hole in the pane, inject a chemical to dry out the condensation, and then remove as much of the air as they can. They then reseal the window. At around $60 – $100, this is a relatively cheap window repair but may continue costing you as it doesn’t replace the inert gas. The best solution is to ask a window repair company to carry out a replacement. If you can’t afford a window replacement right away, you can reseal the window yourself as a temporary fix until you have the funds. A sealant is available from any DIY store.

window repair



Broken or damaged window frame

There can be many reasons for window frames to become damaged. It is often worn and tears over time, but if you suspect subsidence, damp or a structural problem, get a surveyor in before you carry out any window repair work. For today, let’s assume it’s just the passing of time that has caused the problem. Unless you’re a professional, you should not replace your window frames. There are no quick fixes when it comes to structures as they lose their structural integrity once damaged, and the longer you leave the issue untreated, the worse it will become. Find a window repair company near you and get the frame replaced as soon as possible.


window damage

Damaged window mechanisms

Many windows contain moving parts such as hinges, locks, and levers, prone to problems with usage. A loose hinge or lock may simply require you to refasten the screws. However, if it quickly becomes loose again, it’s worth asking a window repairer to check it as it might be that there is a problem with the frame. It can be tempting to apply a quick fix to window mechanisms as it doesn’t seem worth paying a call-out fee for such a trivial task. But it’s important to remember that windows are one of the most common access points for burglars, and any insecurity makes it easier for them to get in. Spending a few dollars could prove to be a massive saving in the long run – particularly as home insurance companies will not look sympathetically on a police report that says ‘gained access through an insecure window.’ You could find a window repair specialist or a local handyman to come in and do the job to be confident your home is secure. If the problem is that you can’t open your window, check for any apparent obstructions, but if all looks well, it’s time to call in an expert. Don’t try to open a resistant window by brute force as you may cause more damage – and the chances are that when you want to lock it again, you’ll find you can’t.

broken window fix



Broken glass

Chipped glass can be fixed. Glass with a crack measuring more than an inch cannot. The easiest and cheapest option is to fix it yourself using a chip repair kit from a DIY store for chipped glass. These are inexpensive, and the instructions are simple to follow. For small cracks from a flying stone or similar, there is a window glass repair solution you can do yourself. Epoxy is readily available and can be used to repair small cracks provided you have a steady hand. If you’re not confident in your ability to do a clean job, a handyman will have it done in no time. For severely broken glass, the only option is a replacement. Apart from the obvious issues with letting in cold aware or unwanted visitors, if you leave broken glass, it will eventually fall at a time and in the direction of its choosing. Don’t be responsible for a passer-by being hit on the head with a lump of glass. Whether you just replace a windowpane or use the opportunity to replace all your windows is something to discuss with a trusted window repair specialist.


window repair near me



Window repair near me

If you require any of the service described above or have any other issues which need a window repair specialist, Chore Relief can help. We’ve saved you the time and effort involved in finding a trusted window repair company. You can find local window repair companies or a handyman near you, read reviews, chat with pros, hire, and pay using our app in just a few minutes. No wasted time, no ringing around. Just a simple, reliable, and affordable solution.

We aim to create an improved experience for property owners who need maintenance or repair work done. That’s why we designed an efficient method of hiring pre-approved professionals you know you can rely on. For more details about any of our services check out the website. You may find it’s surprisingly affordable to get someone in to do a few of those jobs that you keep putting on the backburner!

The post Understand when to repair and when to replace windows appeared first on ChoreRelief.


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