Wednesday 14 July 2021

6 Jobs You Must Do Around The Home Over Summer

6 Jobs You Must Do Around The Home Over Summer

There are few more relaxing ways to spend a summer day than sitting in the garden with a cool drink. But before you pour yourself a glass of your favorite tipple, it’s important to take care of a job or two around the home. That’s because some jobs are best done (or should only be done) over summer when the weather is good. And if you make time to do one job each weekend, there’s no reason why you can’t keep the place in tip-top condition and also find a bit of time for that all-important sitting in the sun.

So let’s dive in and take a look at six crucial home maintenance tasks for summer:


1 – Exterior Paintwork

Painting outdoors in the rain is no fun. And it’s impossible to do a good job. Rainwater will make the paint go streaky and prevent it from doing its two jobs – looking great and protecting your property.

Painting in the sun, on the other hand, can be a delightful job. It’s not too strenuous, so you can take your time, enjoy the sun and catch a few rays while still putting your time to good use.

Wood, metal, and brickwork can all benefit from a fresh coat of paint once a year. Before you get started, be sure to use wire wool on metalwork to remove any flaky paint. Before painting wood, assuming it is in good condition, gentle sanding to make the surface smooth and remove any debris is recommended.

You’ll need good quality brushes and a dust sheet to protect the floor. These can be picked up from any hardware store and, if cleaned correctly stored, will last for years.

Exterior paintwork provides a vital barrier from the extremes of weather your property will be subjected to overwinter – so don’t put this off.

If you don’t have the tools, skills, or time, you’re the best option is to find a local handyman for exterior paintwork. A little investment now could prevent costly repairs in the future.

Exterior Paintwork


2- Give Your Patio or Decking a bit of love

Decking is built to withstand the rigors of weather but needs to be maintained for longevity. A light sanding followed by the application of a wood protector will help keep it in good condition for the following summer. That’s a job for late summer, though.

In preparation for the time you intend to spend in your garden during the warmer months, early summer is cleaning time.

A pressure washer will blast away weeds and debris that have infiltrated your decking or patio. You can also use it to apply detergent and restore your patio or decking to its former glory.

You’ll be amazed at just what a difference it can make. This is also an excellent time to clean your outdoor furniture. Even if you washed it before putting it away for winter, dust and dirt from your shed or garage would dull its sheen. Plastic garden furniture can be wiped down with detergent. Wooden furniture should be lightly sanded and revarnished or repainted to protect it.

pressure washer


3- Cleaning the gutters

Gutters get clogged up with all sorts of debris and leaves over fall and winter. Climbing the ladder to clear them is no fun on a cold, wet January day, but a thorough clean once a year in summer should be sufficient maintenance.

Blockages will stop the gutter from working and cause water to run down the brickwork. This can lead to damp or water damage which is both expensive to put right.

As always, prevention is better than cure. You’ll need someone to hold the ladder steady. Other than that, all required is a decent pair of gloves and something to dump the debris in.

To help prevent the problem from reoccurring, you can invest in gutter guards. These are easy to install and require no tools or expertise.

If you don’t have a head for heights, you might want to ask a friend or hire a handyman to clean your gutters. What’s for sure is that this is another job that can’t be ignored.

Cleaning the gutters


4- Tiling & Decorating Projects

Even inside jobs such as tiling and painting are best done over the summers. If you choose to paint the interior of your house in November, the chances are you won’t be able to (or won’t want to) open the doors and windows.

Get these jobs done in summer, and you can leave doors and windows open. This will help paint, varnish, and grouting to dry quickly. It will also help disperse fumes and odors associated with decorating. And, when those winter months come round and confine you to the house, you’ll have a nice place to spend time.

Tiling & Decorating Projects


5- Clean The Windows

The sun shining in the sky is a beautiful thing. But it does have a habit of showing up dirt and smears on the windows.

Cleaning windows is straightforward and only requires a bit of time and some essential equipment. There are several window cleaning devices on the market. But an old cloth and some soapy water work just as well as long as you have patience in your toolkit.

Sparkling glass makes the whole place look brighter. So, once the windows are gleaming, you might just find you’re a little more motivated to get on with other jobs.

If you don’t have the time or patience to clean the windows yourself, get a handyman in for window cleaning, and you’ll still be inspired to do a few of those jobs you do fancy.

Clean The Windows


6- Trimming Hedges and Shrubs

The key to garden maintenance is to do it little and often. A quick trim of your hedges and shrubs once a week will prevent them from getting out of control. It might be necessary for particularly dry spells, but you should get into the habit of trimming bushes as soon as the growing season gets underway in spring. This will help you keep on top of your garden maintenance and encourage you to get on with some of the more straightforward tasks too. Mowing the lawn and weeding is easy to put off. But if the hedges are looking neat, you’ll want to keep the rest of your garden tidy too.

Trimming Hedges and Shrubs


These jobs will keep your home looking its best over the summer while also preparing it for winter. Finding the time to at least do a few of them can be extremely rewarding. For those you can’t do, ChoreRelief is on hand to help.

Download the app to access reliable local tradespeople in your pocket for these and any other jobs. All the tradesmen we introduce you to are fully-vetted, and you can check reviews from previous clients. So, with ChoreRelief, you get quality work and peace of mind. Download the app now.

The post 6 Jobs You Must Do Around The Home Over Summer appeared first on ChoreRelief.


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